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How to fasten siding – subtleties of installation

Siding is a material that is popularly used to decorate the outside of a house. Its popularity is due to ease of installation and sufficient strength. With accurate calculations and compliance with certain rules, it is possible to perform the installation yourself. We will consider the main ways to fasten the siding, which help save on the cost of the material, as well as speed up the cladding process.

Necessary tools

The presence of special tools helps to install the facade in a short time. At the same time, labor costs are sharply reduced. It is necessary to take care of everything necessary to comply with safety rules to avoid injuries – gloves and special glasses are used for this. Before fixing the siding, make sure you have tools and devices at hand:

  1. In the process of preparation and sheathing, you should always have a tape measure, a pattern, and levels at hand. A building level is needed for accurate installation of the frame, grating. The rope is needed for the most accurate level on the plinth, and the template is used to mark and correct the cutting of the material.
  2. Vinyl siding is most often used for cladding. To cut it, you can use a metal saw, an electric saw with a disc or saw blade, or a grinder with a power regulator.
  3. A screwdriver is suitable for quick fastening. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there is a sufficient number of charged batteries if the installation is carried out with a battery-powered device. In places with difficult access, a short screwdriver is used. An ordinary awl is used to mark the place for the self-tapping screw.
  4. Hammer and nailer – before installing the new cladding, make sure that the old one is not on the walls of the houses. Elements protruding outwards are corrected with a hammer, and unnecessary nails are completely removed.
  5. Notch cutter – used for notches in the bar, which is installed near the window and attached to the inner part of the slope and the finished
  6. Perforator, drill – for holes in the area of ​​fastening panels.
  7. A special tool for removing the panel to be replaced is a hook with a handle. Acts on the type of lever, helping to replace the damaged console.

Crate options

The first thing to do is to prepare the surfaces for attaching the crate. They look to see if there are any gaps, and with the help of a sealant, they are eliminated. In this, the presence of extraneous parts is prohibited. When there are large protrusions or decorative elements, they are completely removed before lathing. At the same time, shutters are dismantled. Particular attention is paid to the inspection of wooden parts. If there are rotten parts, they are replaced with new ones. After that, the whole tree is treated with a special antiseptic agent, which will prevent the boards from rotting under the sheathing.

A metal profile or a wooden beam is used for the grating frame. The second option is cheaper and more accessible, so siding contractor often prefers it. Siding panels are attached horizontally, so the rails for it are installed vertically to the wall. Do not forget about the openings, which are sheathed with rails along the entire perimeter. The crate should also be present in the corners of the building. It begins and closes the entire perimeter in the horizontal plane.

As a standard, the beams used for the construction of the grating should be 5-6 cm wide. In the case of using insulation, it is necessary to ensure that the rails slightly go beyond their limits, and the insulation seems to sink into the formed cells. The process of creating a grating can be described step by step as follows:

  • A vapor barrier is attached to the wall.
  • The floor is stuffed with a frame of bars, which should level the surface.
  • Between the enlightened racks, a heater is attached, the width of which does not exceed the thickness of the beam.
  • The resulting structure is covered with wind and water protection.
  • Lattices, a rail is attached to the racks of the frame, and the siding is already mounted on it.

How to start installing siding?

It is recommended to follow the rules of the initial stage of work at this stage. The quality of the overall work depends on the installation of the initial bar. In the question of how to fasten the siding at the initial stage, the installation of the starting bar should be treated with all seriousness. It is important to install the starting profile correctly: horizontally along the entire length of the wall. The bottom line, from which the cladding begins, should be located a few centimeters higher than the base of the foundation. As a rule, retreat 75 – 80 mm upwards and drive nails in the corners. They must be all on the same level, so the building level should always be at hand. After that, the rope is pulled, which will point to the upper edge of the first bar.

When the lower edge is finished, start marking the location of the finishing bar. When calculating, they try to make sure that there is a whole number of panels between the starting and ending bars. To do this, first move both bars. For example, after raising the starter above the plinth, the gap is closed with a tin dropper.

How to fasten the main panels of the facade board?

After calculations and installation of the starting bar, they proceed to the facade boards. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that vinyl and metal siding, unlike fiber cement, expands under the influence of high temperatures, and narrows under the influence of low temperatures. Taking this into account, an average gap of 5 mm is left between the end edge and the panels. The self-tapping screws used for installation are not tightened all the way, but leave a distance of 1-1.5 mm between the surface of the wall and the cap. With such fastening, the boards do not warp as a result of temperature changes. For correct installation, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules of cladding technology:

  1. Self-tapping screws are tightened strictly in the middle.
  2. Fasteners are mounted with a step of 30-40 cm – optimal for the reliability of the location of the fastener.
  3. During the installation of the panels, it is important to tightly connect them. The lower bar should fit into the upper one until it clicks, so that a dense shield is obtained, which reliably protects the walls of the house.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the procedure of how strengthening the siding is not the most difficult in the process of facade decoration. The main thing is to correctly assemble the frame and install the grating. By following the above tips and rules, you can cover the house with siding without resorting to the help of craftsmen.


Passionate about delivering engaging and insightful content, Jason explores the latest trends in entertainment, anime, and pop culture. With a deep love for storytelling and a knack for uncovering hidden gems, Jason keeps readers informed and entertained through carefully curated articles.

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